Prenot@Mi: Unavailable dates for an appointment.

Italian Consulate in San Francisco

What to do when your local consulate has no appointment dates available.

But what if there is no booking receipt, like when the “Prenot@Mi” does not show any available dates?

The case that was recently brought before the Court of Rome dealt with an individual of Italian descent who was not able to book an appointment with the Italian consulate in San Francisco. She tried several times, but the booking system Prenot@Mi  continued to show no available dates in the next two years. That’s when she decided to contact us.

We explained the complexity of the case, especially given that proof of rejection by the consulate would be difficult, as her only real contact with the consulate had been through Prenot@Mi. We worked with the client to ascertain that proper contact with the San Francisco Consulate had transpired and that the unavailability of a date to file paperwork should be deemed as a rejection of the application by the consulate.

The Court ruled in favor of our client, affirming that if the Italian Consulate in San Francisco failed to provide an appointment within the next two years this entitled the Italian descendant to legitimately bring her citizenship case directly before the court. From this ruling we can gather that lack of appointment availability at consulates is one of the accepted conditions for fast-tracking a citizenship case. Prenot@Mi (Italy’s consulates all feature this system) and lengthy waiting periods no longer have to be an impediment to your application.

Whether you are applying in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles or anywhere in US, please read more about laws and case law on jure sanguinis citizenship, the 1948 case and other conditions for bringing your case before the court to claim your Italian citizenship by descent. 

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